Get To Know Garlic & Herb Beef Biltong

Get To Know Garlic & Herb Beef Biltong

Meet Garlic and Herb Beef Biltong

Garlic has a gravitational pull that does wonders to enhance the flavor profile of any savory family dish. Bull & Cleaver’s Garlic & Herb Beef Biltong is a proud member of that tradition. Simply put, it’s all about quality ingredients: top-tier steak rolled in salt, pepper, coriander, and vinegar and a dash of garlicky herb spice. Then air-dried to a tender, prosciutto-like perfection in a weeks' long process. Where other snacks take garlic lightly or (more commonly) those that overwhelm the meat’s succulence – our herbs and spices provide a dynamic beef-focused flavor which calls back to Bull & Cleaver’s South African roots.

The Inspiration Behind Garlic and Herb Biltong

Growing up in South Africa, Bull & Cleaver’s founder Daniel loved garlic and herb biltong. “It was my favorite as a kid. It hits that perfect sweet spot of richness and flavor,” he says. What other spice can bring about that alluring scent of a roux being cooked up on the stovetop and filling the house? It’s a great complement to the beef flavor and adds a distinct kick to an already awesome biltong product.

Garlic and Herb Beef Biltong Nutritional Facts

Discover the full-bodied flavor of an excellent and health-conscious biltong snack. Our garlic and herb biltong is packed with omega-3s, 16 grams of protein, and only 80 calories per ounce. Zero sugar. No MSG. Gluten-free. Paleo or Keto? You’re good to go. However, vampires beware. 

Where to Purchase Garlic and Herb Beef Biltong

Satisfy your craving in snack sizes, bulk bags, or give them all a try in our taster pack. Our smokehouse beef biltong—and other tasty flavors—are available through our online store.

Plus, if you’re looking to save on every Bull & Cleaver order, get yourself subscribed and you’ll save 10%. Schedule your snacks in advance and save a chunk of change. For a zero-sugar snack, that’s a pretty sweet deal.

Want to try them all? Build your own Taster Pack and get free shipping!